tisdag 30 oktober 2012

Back... with a vengeance

Hello again folks, its been a long time since my last post here. Well I'm back. with a vengeance even. In fact its even a Dark vengeance.

I know i promised to finish my high elfs before starting any enw projects, and to that end I took my two seaguard units with me when I moved to the university, then soon after i that realised i needed some shield arms in order to continue my work, unfortunatly those are all in a box at my parents house. So i had to find something else to do with my time.

that's when the dark vengeance box dropped down into my mailbox, and I've been working on that when i have time.  so the plan is to make fallen out of all the minis in the box, I used to play fallen with the 3.5 edition chaos rules so I'm not just jumping on the bandwagon.  My original plan was to jsut pain them all up in the same colur scheme and see where that gets me.

So i painted up one of the chosen with bolter and one tactical marine close to the fallen colour scheme shown in the chaos 4.0 codex (I however didn't go with black robes and black shoulderpads)

 Tactical marine


Both of them next to each other

I'm not sure about it even with the same colour scheme they look quite different from each other. On the other hand I have no chaos parts right now, and i want to assemble the first batch of chosen as they are just so i know what i'm dealing with.

So I decided to put the chosen and tacticals aside for the moment and concentrate on something else. So here's my hellbrute.

I did a green stuff stamp of the knightlike helmet of the tactical with the plasma cannon and stamped it on the hellbrute's face. Its not perfect but I'd say its a decent first try. I was considering using the head for the limited edition chaplain. but i dont wan to do anything with him yet.

 Full body shot, I've removed the tentacles and a few eye's of Horus, I plan on replacing them with dark angels symbols in time, unfortunately it once again means I'm stuck on something and cant go on until I have those parts. I'm also toying with the idea of changing his melta to a plasma cannon sine chaos space marine squads cant use those anyway. But I haven't decided yet.

So next up, Cultist squad Anarkus
 Here's one guy, you'll note that they're not finished yet.

 And champion Anarkus himself, I decided i wanted the cultists to have some of the same palette as my fallen angels, so i've decided to paint their cloth parts in white, which makes them look more ambiguous if you ask me. I'll also have some detail in green.

 Ad another benefit of the white/khaki is that it together with the green shoulders make them somewhat like Cadian shock troopers.

 Here's a guy wit some more green on him. i Painted tis guy first and was thinking of going mostly green but then I realised they'd end up looking like Robin Hood, and I didn't want that.

And here so you can see the shoulder pod better. dark green with silver trim just like the marines.

Well that's all for today folks, I hope to be back sooner this time but I cant make any promises.